I finished two more rows on the piping-of-doom bodice! Only two more and the bottom to go!
Here's my big project for the week: I made pocket hoops and a regency shift. I need to make an 18th century shift, I'm going to use the same pattern and just make the sleeves longer.
Here's last week's stripey dress (a houseguest said it looked like candy so in my head it's now the candy dress) over the pocket hoops.
And the front over the pocket hoops. I did reset the skirt so that the front ended at the sides where it should.
This week I hope to:
- make an 18th ct. chemise
- make a petticoat to go over my pocket hoops
- at least start on the pink underskirt for the candy dress
- make a mock up of the bodice of the wedding dress
- get at least another row done on piping
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