Lately my time has been filled with books, books, and more books. The Cybils cycle has begun, and, since I have made a target of reading 125 books and only have 35 right now I'm reading like a maniac! Reading was put on hold this weekend, though, to do Halloween costumes for Thing 1, Thing 2, and Monkey.
First off, I did get a little work done on my bustle dress underskirt. All the ruching is done (and wow did that take a lot more time than I thought it would!) and put on the dress and it's all sewn up. It still needs a placket, a hem, a waistband, and ruffles at the bottom.
Thing 1 wants to be Rapunzel, so her dress got sewn up. I sewed the sleeves today, so all it needs is a zipper and a hem (which grandma will have to do).
Thing 2 wants to be a ninja (because, as he told mommy, a pirate is for everyday). Here's his black karate gi and pants, and his cute ninja hood (which will probably be a bit big on him, but the darn pattern only had one size).
Monkey wants to be Bob the Builder. I couldn't find any red and gold checked fabric, so I took a red gingham and dyed it yellow. I think it'll work well enough. I've got to get a shirt made out of this tonight so I can get it mailed off tomorrow. Yikes!